What is the difference between DSLRs and Normal Digital Cameras ?

by Aky Joe

in Photography

A very common question which arises in one’s mind seeing a SLR camera, Oh Man! What is the difference between DSLR and Normal Camera ?
Well, difference is the price of DSLR camera is 10 times more than the normal camera. LOL! I am not kidding it is true and the reason is the construction of DSLR camera which is quite expensive. In this article you will get to know about differences between SLR camera and normal camera.


Difference Between DSLR and Digital Camera

Key 1 – Viewfinder: Way of Viewing the Picture

One of the major difference is that SLR, Single Lens Reflex has pentaprism and mirror which reflects lens image back to the viewfinder. In simple words, you will capture exact image, which you can see through the Viewfinder of SLR Camera.
On the other hand, normal camera has electronic or LCD viewfinders which is offset from the lens and doesn’t matches the viewfinder image. Still not clear, check out the info-graphic below:


Comparison of SLR Viewfinder and LCD Viewfinder

Key 2 – Image quality with ISO Level

Coming to the image quality, DSLR camera get excellent image in low light areas without any noise/grain. The reason behind is the photographic lens which makes exposure for image sensor and improving image quality. Check out the image below taken in night from a DSLR Camera, a view from terrace.


DSLR image, F: f/5.6, S:5s, ISO:400, No Flash

On the other hand, digital cameras lags, image quality or requires a flash in low light areas. Check out a similar image taken from a digital camera which has noise/grain.


Digital Camera | No Flash

Key 3 – Camera Construction (Shutter, Aperture & Lens)

Camera body construction itself makes DSLR totally different from normal cameras. DSLR cameras are super heavy, where if you attach a Canon EF 600mm Lens while taking a picture, you may even fall. LOL! DSLR camera consists of Shutter, Aperture and Lens which are the physical components of this camera, hence making DSLR Camera look bulky and expensive.

Whereas normal digital cameras are small in size and easy to carry. They don’t have any physical Shutter or any Mirror components like a DSLR, hence making a compact construction and less expensive.

Is that it?

Not really, I can write a book of 2012 pages on the differences between DSLR and Normal Camera but you wouldn’t bother to read all at once. Just kidding! Above mentioned key points are enough to differentiate between the two cameras and rest you can make out by practically using the either ones.

For people who didn’t focus at all on above key points, below is a quick summary about DSLR and Normal Camera Differences:

  • Digital SLR Viewfinder is different from normal digital cameras.
  • DSLR camera works good in low light composition, where as digital camera pictures are grainy, in low light composition.
  • Digital Single Lens Reflex camera construction is heavier and expensive than the digital camera ones.

I’m always open to know your personal opinion about the Cameras and Photography. Use the comment form below to be the part of  discussion.

{ 181 comments… read them below or add one }

Hemant January 2, 2013 at 10:39 pm

I’m looking forward to buy a camera, budget is 10,000 bucks, suggest me the best.


Kajal Mehta April 30, 2013 at 10:58 am

Please suggest which dslr is best within the range of 11-14k. And what all things should we take into consideration while taking a digital camera or a DSLR.


Aky Joe July 16, 2013 at 5:26 pm


There is no good DSLR coming in 11~14k range. Either you can go for second hand cameras or Semi-DSLRs. Major point of consideration before buying any camera should define your purpose of Photography.

If you want quick captures to upload on websites or low resolution media printing then, Semi DSLR in range of 10~15k will solve your purpose.

Whereas, if your purpose defines High Definition Multimedia then, only DSLR can solve that purpose which may range in between 30K~2.5L.


pallab July 21, 2016 at 6:43 pm

which is best in Nikon d3300 and nikon d5300??


Zabir ahmed July 14, 2013 at 5:17 am

Thanks bro this was really helpful 🙂


Anandarup Banerjee July 16, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Can u please suggest me the best DSLR now available in a price range of
Rs 30,000-Rs 35,000. its better if its a canon or a nikon camera suggestion.


Aky Joe July 20, 2013 at 1:13 am

You should get Canon EOS 1100D which is a basic DSLR in that price range. To your next question…

Brands Canon and Nikon hold 50% of an impression on market and me. But, Canon’s User Interface is quite handy and easy to understand than of the Nikon’s User Interface. So may be for starters, Canon is always good.


Parvinder Singh July 24, 2013 at 1:27 am

You did not mentioned about Raw format in DSLR does that makes the difference?
I have Nikon P510 and I just bought it recently as I dont have budget to go for DSLR with 18-105 or 55mm -105mm zoom lens.
I know photography is expensive hobby, but can i use post processing tools to improve my picture clicked on bridge camera to make it comparable to DSLR.
Which post processing tools you think are good ones?


Aky Joe September 26, 2013 at 12:39 pm

For your information, RAW Format is not just available for DSLR camera but also in Digital Cameras. Check out the cameras supporting a RAW Format.

The most basic Post Processing Tool for photography is Adobe Photoshop, whereas if you wish to dig into…then Lightroom and Elements Family are some photography tools which you can go ahead with.


Junaid August 27, 2013 at 10:18 pm

Suggest me a dslr, purpose random photography ^.^


Aky Joe September 26, 2013 at 12:22 pm

For basic Photography I would suggest you to buy Canon 550D/1100D with 18~55mm Kit Lens with Image Stabilization.


Dinesh August 23, 2016 at 7:12 pm

Thank u……….


Sahir September 26, 2013 at 11:12 am

In fact it is too much helpful. I searched for the difference on many websites but here I got the best answer. Thanks brother.


Sanjay October 4, 2013 at 12:59 am


I am looking forward to Buy a DSLR Camera.
Purpose: Micro Photography of Gemstones & Jewellery for online store.
Range is not a problem. Please suggest me a good DSLR and Micro Lens required for the above purpose.


Aky Joe October 5, 2013 at 1:03 am


Any DSLR Camera with a Macro Lens would be good to capture Gemstones & Jewellery for your Website. Basic DSLR cameras like 550D/1100D with 50mm, 60mm or 100mm Macro Lens should solve your purpose.


Neha October 15, 2013 at 3:56 pm

I am planning to buy a camera. My sole purpose is to use it for small family functions or for outings. Kindly suggest the best options available. thank you


Aky Joe October 17, 2013 at 6:31 pm


In family functions, our high priority is to capture the moment before it’s over. So, keeping that in mind you should opt Canon CoolPix or Canon Powershot camera ranges. These cameras are quick and deliver high quality picture, as desired. All the best!


Neha October 17, 2013 at 11:04 pm

Thank you . That ws indeed helpful.


Narasi April 30, 2019 at 5:34 pm

How about Nikon Coolpix B 500…my usage is just take family function / any travel or tour photography ..Is this Nickon coolpix B500 falls in DSLR category


Isha October 31, 2013 at 4:47 pm

I m going to malysia for the very first time and want to buy a good camera. I am confused between digital and dslr, as
some photographer suggested me Nikon 3100, Canon 550d and 1100d. I made my mind for canon eos 1100d but suggest me with model name/number for digital camera please. And tell me what should I go for digi or dslr?
Not professional.


Aky Joe October 31, 2013 at 9:13 pm

What is your sole purpose of photography (travel portraits, travel landscapes, night photography, wildlife etc.)?

For you information, Digital Cameras & Digital SLR Cameras have their own pros & cons. The major differences are already explained in above article. For Digital Cameras you can refer to this comment.

Enjoy your trip!


Mansukh Patel November 1, 2013 at 6:15 pm

Dear Aky Joe… It is very helpful to understand DSLR and Digital camera… very simple and short…. Today I had been to Reliance Digital at Growel, Kandiwali(E) Mumbai, I asked those question but he could not explain me about difference between DSLR and digital camera.


Aky Joe November 2, 2013 at 1:09 am

Sir, it’s a common query for people today and I’m glad that it was helpful.


Vikas November 12, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Dear Sir,

I’ve been reading all the queries and answers. So, I too have a query in my
mind, I’m using Nikon P510 since one year n above, and found it very nice.
But, I want to go for DSLR model, so which one would you suggest me, with good
image quality n large zoom.

Thank You


Aky Joe November 13, 2013 at 1:12 am

Basic DSLR cameras like 550D/1100D with 55~250mm or 70~300mm zoom lens should solve your purpose.


Vikas November 13, 2013 at 8:41 am

Thank u very much. What will be the cost of these lenses?


Aky Joe November 13, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Basic Telephoto Zoom Lenses are available in range of 8K ~ 30K.


Vikas November 14, 2013 at 9:40 am

Thanks. Which will be better Canon 1100d or Nikon d3200


Kiruthika Devi November 22, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Hello sir, I have canon powershot Sx30 IS and I just started learning photography. Do I need to a buy a DSLR now or I should practice with this digital camera and later buy a DSLR Camera? If you suggest me to purchase a DSLR now which one would it be, as I am a new user?


Aky Joe November 25, 2013 at 1:33 am

SX30 PowerShot is an amazing camera for beginners learning photography. So, I would suggest you to stick with the current camera and practice photography. On the other hand, a DSLR camera is required for high definition images and detailed photography, such as print medias, night photography etc. and to replace current camera ‘SX30’ with a DSLR requires at least 80k-1L budget. (Canon 60D + Prime Lenses)


Kiruthika December 17, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Hello sir,
I am just doing my 12th. From next I want to take photography as my profession. I want to opt wildlife photography. Please suggest me what kind of courses I have to do and what are the best colleges for that.


Aky Joe January 26, 2014 at 1:35 am

As of my knowledge, Mass Communication is one graduate course which has Photography as a subject. Best would be to check during the counseling period in the local university.

Enthusiasm need not require a curriculum”. Best!


Vaibhav November 27, 2013 at 10:44 pm

I like photography but I am not a professional photographer. I was looking at D3100 Nikon DSLR camera which is basic and comes with 18-55mm lens. Can you please guide me which camera should I buy? Nikon or Canon? Is it really too heavy than a digital camera, and is it complex to handle a DSLR camera?


karthik January 6, 2014 at 10:04 pm

Go to sony A290L


Jyotirmoy Mohanta November 29, 2013 at 12:12 am

Hi there,
I am planning to buy a DSLR camera for the first time and I am an amateur in photography. I love to capture portraits, landscapes, wildlife etc while stationed at my base or while traveling, but I need your kind suggestion for buying the best DSLR for the above mentioned purposes of mine ( if I need a kit lens then do mention the parameter for it ). The thing to be considered is that my budget is between 30000-35000 INR.


Aky Joe November 29, 2013 at 12:27 am

To do Portraits and Landscapes in amateur photography, 18~55mm IS II lens is good to begin with and for Wildlife you certainly require 55~250mm IS Zoom lens. A Zoom lens will help you reach animals and birds closer without scaring them away.

Canon EOS 1100D SLR with Double Lens Kit (EF-S 18-55mm IS II + EF-S 55-250mm IS II) is good deal available for you on Flipkart. Hope it works!


Shreya June 14, 2016 at 5:20 pm

hi sir
i am a college student and i completely relate to the above quarry . its exactly my situation ..jst the difference is my range is upto 50000 INR.. kindly suggest me a dslr camera n the lens with specifications


Anjali December 2, 2013 at 2:21 pm


I was just taking a view at my FB new feed, everyone now a days upload really high quality pictures. I was just thinking to start with detailed photography. I am currently using a Digi Cam, I want to shift to a DSLR camera. Please suggest a good one with the price between 30,000-35,000 INR and where can I find best deals online.


Vilan December 7, 2013 at 9:44 am

Hi dear, This is a very helpful article. Keep it up bro.
I like to starting photography. So I’m planing to buy camera for low budget(for learning purpose).
So what would you say about Fujifilm S2980.?


Aky Joe January 26, 2014 at 1:45 am

It’s an inexpensive digital camera and 18x zoom will help you build some cool compositions. You wont be able to shoot in night because of electronic viewfinder. If it’s in your budget, then go for it.


AbdullaKhan January 3, 2014 at 10:08 pm

Dear sir,
Please explain me the important features of Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera, as i want to import it. I just want this Camera for my hobby of good collection.


Karthik January 6, 2014 at 10:00 pm

Is Sony A290L is a better for DSLR or any other brand like Cannon, Nikkon or Sony. Because for the better and HD quality image that looks like professional.


Siddhant Mehta January 19, 2014 at 8:26 pm

Hi sir,
I want to buy DSLR and I am more interested in Bird and Wildlife photography.
My budget is 30000 to 35000, can you suggest an appropriate camera for this range?

Thank You


Kaushik January 23, 2014 at 8:01 am

Hey.. Those answers are very useful to get a clear picture about DSLRs. But my problem is different, as I want to learn photography. Considering landscapes, natural portraits, closeups in outing, etc.
So please can you suggest a source from where I can learn and get guidance and don’t blunder my pics.


Aky Joe January 26, 2014 at 1:59 am

There’s no guide available to achieve perfect art composition in Photography. Right place is where you stand, watch this world animating around and capture that very moment with a camera.

I shall update more articles on Photography, until then you should practice with your camera. 🙂


Kaushik January 26, 2014 at 9:49 pm

Hey thanks…
So I own a Nikon D5100, but I want to learn those manual operations and basic what to handle DSLR. Right now I click pics in auto mode and sorry wrong time to ask this question as I own cam already. But I had option of Nikon D5100, D3200 and Canon 600d and Sony alpha 3000. I opted Nikon D5100. Please frankly give review of my decision.


Aky Joe January 27, 2014 at 1:25 am

You have bought yourself a nice camera. For technical reviews of your queried Cameras above, Google is your friend. And frankly, I would suggest you to focus upon Photography, rather digging technical aspects of a camera.

To click pictures in Manual mode, go through the other articles on this blog. As mentioned earlier, the content is in a “work-in-progress” state. 🙂


Sarath Pluntura January 24, 2014 at 3:30 pm

Hello Sir! I’ve gone through a number of websites and I made my choice to buy Sony HX-300, is that a good camera?
My purpose of photography is to capture family function photos, trips, and for high zoom as well, could you please suggest is this the best camera or are they any other best ones for the same purpose?


Aky Joe January 26, 2014 at 2:08 am

It’s an amazing camera with high zoom and image quality. It’s a digital one and you already know the differences stated above. If your sole purpose is to capture events in decent light environment, then this is a good choice.


Alivia February 5, 2014 at 1:57 pm


I want a camera to take photos of my family, mainly children. I want to be able to get close ups that I can edit and enlarge to large canvas prints without it looking grainy. I dont undertand if I am suppose to look for the most megapix for clarity and the most zoom for closeups. Is 42x good? and will this provide more zoom than a 55-250mm? And if it does, does the image quality stay the same?


Aky Joe March 17, 2014 at 5:20 pm

[1] Closeup shooting, you should get a 60mm macro or 24~105mm lens, whichever suits your budget.
[2] Image quality for print media, requires a camera construction which can sense more pixels, that is, 18 megapixel and above.


vikas February 8, 2014 at 1:34 pm

Iwant to buy a camera, and the options are Nikon p520 and the other is d3200.
So , I need your good advise , between these two …..which is better.
please help me.



Abbie March 17, 2014 at 6:07 am

Hello Sir,My name is Abbie and i love to do photography.I am not a professional but whatever i do with my camera,it always goes out great.Now finally for the first time i have earned money to buy a camera.I have a kodak digital camera that works great and now am a novice in SLR.Please suggest me which cam to go for.I am not that kind of person who read the reviews from the internet or research a lot.I have heard that CANON 1100d works best for a novice photographer,waiting for you reply.


Aky Joe March 17, 2014 at 5:29 pm

Glad to hear about your enthusiastic side, keep up the good work. Photography is great, doesn’t matter what you click.

Canon 1100d is best camera to learn SLR features. Most of the EF lens are compatible with it and to step-up in the level of photography. Go ahead with this camera model, it’s great for low budget SLRs.


AJOY April 15, 2014 at 1:06 pm

I’m looking forward to buy a camera, budget is 25K – 30K . My sole purpose is to use it for family functions or for outings. Kindly suggest which is better Digital OR Dslr Camera .
please help me.


Aky Joe May 12, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Within a budget of 25-30k, it’s wise to buy a DSLR camera because it gives you an option to extend lenses. Where a normal digital camera would restrict to just one level. Canon 1100D/1200D + 55mm~250mm telephoto lens can be a good option to start with.


Devansh April 20, 2014 at 10:02 pm

Sir my name is devansh I need to buy a camera which can give me the best high quality picture can u suggest me which camera should I buy the dslr or a digital camera


bhavik April 22, 2014 at 3:08 am

hello sir i want to buy camera for capturing family photos and also photos during picnics and outings on adventure plz suggest me dslr or digital cam which serves for both purpose budget 30k


Thomas April 22, 2014 at 7:09 am


Do to medical reasons that I will not go into, I am very interested in photography. The only thing I will be shooting will be the flights of ducks, falcons, trumpheter swans, and geese as well as other wildlife. I moved to a nearby river that has a spillway that is open during the winter months. My goal is to catch the flights of these birds while coming in to land or feast. What is the best setup to go. Remember that I live in Northern Minnesota where the temperatures in the winter can be extreme. That is when I will be taking most of the pictures. My funding will be at a base of $500.00 US dollars to $1000.00. A micro lenses as well as telephoto lenses included. Any help would be appreciated.




Anil April 28, 2014 at 5:22 pm


I am Anil, i want to purchase a good camera but I’m totally blind in this field. My purpose of camera is to take pictures of my family occasions, family parties, and relatives wedding pictures and on holiday trip pictures (The picture quality should be good).
Please suggest me to buy a good camera so that i can enjoy my future time with my good pictures.


Aky Joe May 12, 2014 at 1:18 pm

Sony Nex series of cameras are doing good in such scenarios. These are mirror less digital cameras which comes with interchangeable lenses for various scopes of photography. Try visiting any Sony showroom and get a demo. 😉


muhsin April 28, 2014 at 8:09 pm

Hey, I would like to become a modeling photographer. Suggest me a perfect dslr with average cost.


jagabandhu tunga May 4, 2014 at 9:51 pm

Hey…. I want to buy a camera … For a sole purpose of photography of wildlife…. Sir my question is that I also decided to buy nikon d5300 … Sir is it cool 4 my purpose???? Pls help.. Or is there any suggestion between 23k range ???


Aky Joe May 12, 2014 at 1:03 pm

For Wildlife or any Outdoor Photography, requires a weather-proof camera, tripod for low light, telephoto lenses & cleaning kit. A minimum budget of 35k is required to solve that purpose. Though Nikon D5300 is a cool camera but it won’t fully solve your purpose. Best would be to buy Nikon D5300 now, get used to it and once you’re ready, buy the zoom lens. Best!


alisha May 22, 2014 at 10:28 am

I am a college student. I want to buy a camera with exellent photo quality. My budget is around 40k. Can you tell me which one I should buy. Thanx


jb zain June 1, 2014 at 11:58 pm

hello… 🙂
my budget is 35000rs to 40000rs.i am a photographer.i need fast brust photography and a very good result. kindly tell me and guied me which one camera suiet’s me.


Prateek June 2, 2014 at 10:31 pm

I am very fond of photography but till today i m restricted to only digital cameras.
Now i am making the photography as my passion through buying a DSLR camera which can give me a huge scope for customization and good scope for creativity in different genre of photography.
So through market research i end up with the options of ‘Canon EOS 1200D’, ‘Sony SLT A58’ and ‘Nikon D3200’ for the entry level DSLR , as i have no experience of operating a DSLR camera.
Please give me a suggestion for which camera i have to move… among these three cameras… with pros and cons.

Thank you.


Terena June 5, 2014 at 8:55 am

Hi, I think I am interested in getting into photography (all sorts) but have really never done anything with it. I have an oppurtuntiy to nuy a Nikon P90 very cheaply. Would this be good enough to get me started on the learning path or should I go straight to a DSLR. I am able to borrow a DSLR for a short period of time. Thx


Aky Joe July 23, 2014 at 10:34 pm

Terena, you’re on right path, just buy anything which captures your viewpoint and reflect the subject purposely. Once, you’re powered on with Photography, you’d have many options. But, first you need to get started. 😉


zainab June 8, 2014 at 11:11 am

iam planning on getting a handy camera with good zoom and image quality..iam not comfortable with the bulky size of the dslr cameras and havnt used one yet. Nikon p600 is one model that I have shortlisted..my budget is within 40k .. Is the camera worth the buy or is there any other better alternatives that I can get? please suggest.looking forward to your reply..thank you


Aky Joe July 23, 2014 at 10:57 pm

You can also try Sony Nex-5r smart cameras which have 1080p full HD video recording and quite handy.


Jit June 10, 2014 at 12:15 pm

How is DSLT range of Sony… I want to start photography as a hobby and am keen to buy Sony as I feel they produce good products when it comes to electronics.

Pls. suggest.


Aky Joe July 23, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Certainly, Sony is doing well to gain the market of mirror-less cameras, just go for it and kick start photography. 😉


Adharsh July 5, 2014 at 9:27 am

Sir, I have this doubt for a long time , what is optical zooming and digital zooming ??? what is the difference between them ?? which zooming method is used in DSLR ? and which one is used in digital camera ?? and please suggest me some DSLR camera’s which will be suitable for a beginnerlike me


Aky Joe July 23, 2014 at 10:47 pm

Very nice question. Difference between Optical zooming and Digital zooming, is that, Optical zooming uses the physical lens of your camera while Digital zooming uses the digital instructions programmed in a camera’s firmware. Secondly, Optical zooming captures precisely what you see while Digital zooming captures what the camera sees.

There’s wide range of DSLR available for beginners, like Canon 1200D/600D, NikonD5200/D3200 etc.

All the best.


Chethan August 4, 2014 at 2:19 am

Hi sir, I want to take a DSLR camera and budget is 30,000. Can you suggest which one of these D3200 / 600D / 1100D / 1200D is best?


Aky Joe August 7, 2014 at 4:15 pm

You can choose from either Nikon D3200 or Canon 600D. Both have different interface, but Canon’s more user friendly and works well for beginners. Where Nikon’s interface works well for people well versed with Photography terms. All the best!


naman bajaj August 24, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Hi, I am planning to buy a camera, but kike others am confused between dslr and digital. I have shortlisted 2 cameras nikon coolpix600 and nikon d3200. I like photography but being an amateur am unable to take decision. Please guide.

Naman Bajaj


Devil August 29, 2014 at 10:51 pm

sir i m confused between nikon d3200 and canon 1100d…which one should i buy????
in nikon d3200…cani record video with sound or dp i have to get an external mic???


Aky Joe September 5, 2014 at 3:13 pm

Yes, you can record a video with sound and using an external mic too. Nikon D3200 is an enhanced camera version with refined image sensor. So either go for Canon 1200D or Nikon D3200, both the camera allows you to record at 1080p along with external mic.


Desprate September 1, 2014 at 4:39 pm

I am looking for a digicam . The budget is 10,000 PKR. Suggest me one please ^_^


Ani September 19, 2014 at 9:05 pm

Which brand is good for dslr? Nikon, Canon and Sony. Please suggest…


Aky Joe September 21, 2014 at 3:40 am

Out of 3, Nikon and Canon takes the market of Professional Level Cameras, where Sony is growing good with Consumer Level Cameras. So, if you want to go into the depth of Photography, then prefer (First) Nikon > Canon > Sony (Last).


shobin September 23, 2014 at 7:48 pm

Buddy… Need to buy a DSLR within the price range of 20K-25K… which one you recommend? why does pixels spec matters? why need to buy a additional lens?.. pls advise


Aky Joe October 6, 2014 at 4:06 pm

In the range of 20-25k, I think you’d get Canon 1200D or Nikon D5200 with 18~55mm kit Lens.

Talking about Pixels, it matters in improving picture quality to be viewed on large screens or for print media. For instance, if you click an image with 12MP DSLR camera, the image rendered be suitable to be viewed on HD/Full Screens or may be to print on A3 or A4 sheets. But, if the same image is viewed on 4K Screens/Projectors or to take prints on A1 or large banners, then image will have grains, noise etc.

Lens are used to Increase or Decrease focal length of the subject which you’re about to capture. For far objects there are Zoom Lens, while for detailing Macro Lens are used. You may refer to the above comments for better understanding.


Vivek October 5, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Please suggest a good camera to be used for holidays and family outings. How would you compare between Nikon 3100D and Canon 1100 D. Is a DSLR required for normal usage


Aky Joe October 6, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Sony Nex5r is a point-to-shoot camera rendering DSLR class images. It’s a smart camera with all social networking features and suits your need for Family Occasions and Outings.
DSLR Cameras are good for fellers wanting to pursue photography as a career and to understand camera basics from scratch.


Michael October 6, 2014 at 1:55 pm

As a beginner, I want to buy a Canon Power-shot EOS 1200D with 18-55mm and 55-250mm lens for Party, Street, Various functions, Cricket Stadium, Picnic, Wildlife and Adventurous photography.
I searched on various websites and got to know about some Pros and Cons of Canon 1200D.
Can you please tell me in detail about the below mentioned cons???
1. Fixed LCD
2. Pentamirror viewfinder
3. Slower autofocus
4. Burst shooting limited to 3fps
5. Small buffer when shooting Raw



Aky Joe October 6, 2014 at 5:32 pm

Canon 1200D Camera Cons Limitations explained below:

  1. Fixed LCD: The LCD is fixed with the Camera Construction and can’t be flipped to rotated.
  2. Pentamirror Viewfinder: It’s less expensive and lighter in weight than a Pentaprism Viewfinder.
  3. Slower Auto focus: As a beginner you wouldn’t even find a difference in the speed. It’s slow but not that slow.
  4. Burst shooting: Being an entry level camera, you can click up to 3 shots of moving subject in one second.
  5. Raw mode: If you click a picture, camera usually apply a JPG compression which lowers some quality and reduces the file size. Raw images are quite heavy, that is 5-7 times larger than a normal JPG, which lets photographers to edit RAW images manually. For instance, if you put camera on Raw mode and take a burst shots, then camera’s response will be super slow due to small buffer memory pool.

Canon 1200D + 55~250mm Zoom lens is a good combination for above stated purpose and may be later you can add Macro Lens to your bag as well. All the best!


Saahil Nagpal October 6, 2014 at 10:59 pm

Hello !
Please suggest me a DSLR camera in minimum range.
My needs:- When I click a photograph, background gets blur. When I click picture from long distance, picture should be very clear. (ZOOM LENS)

PLEASE suggest me !


Harshit October 21, 2014 at 3:45 am


First of all I would like to say, that your above answers are really helpful. I have been using a Point and Shoot Camera since few years… and it has fulfilled my sole purpose of clicking pictures… But I’m looking for a DSLR now..My Budget is around Rs. 18,000-23,000. Please Suggest me a good DSLR camera.
I have few doubts regarding DSLR and normal Point and Shoot Cameras other than you have mentioned above…

1. What is the meaning of “18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II Lens” ?
And What is the effect of 18-55mm Lens Or AF-S 18-55 mm VR Lens on the picture quality ? And how does it help in a better picture clicking ?

2. Nikon and Canon are the most popular brands in DSLR in market right now… But What makes these two brands different from each other ? Please tell me few Pros and Cons of each.

3. DSLR cameras have lesser Megapixels as well as Lesser Optical Zoom as compared to Point and Shoot Cameras like “Nikon Coolpix L330” has 20.2 Megapixels + 26x Optical Zoom… Whereas “Nikon D3100” has 14.2 Megapixels with Very Low Optical Zoom.
Is that a demerit of DSLR cameras ?

4. What is the Effect of Shutter Speed on the picture ?
5. Whose Image Stabilization is better – DSLR cameras or Point and Shoot cameras ?


Aky Joe October 24, 2014 at 6:29 pm

To your questions:

  1. 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR II Lens, is second generation Lens with optical performance, light weight and quick focusing. Using new generation lens you can click a subject from a distance of 25 cm. AF-S means Auto Focusing with Silent Wave motor, which decrease the vibration while Camera automatically focuses the subject. Conclusion: Just like version 2.0 enhancement of a Lens, it will help you in clicking better pictures.
  2. Not really a fan of Camera Brands, but Photography. Believe me, both brands are good in their own respects for Photography. However, Nikon makes Camera with a Photographer’s aspects, which can be a little tricky for beginners to understand.
  3. If you go through the above difference again, you’ll understand that DSLR uses Pentaprism mirror to reflect the actual image to image sensor. Further the image is acquired and converted (Megapixels) into a JPEG or RAW, as per defined resolutions. These resolutions may vary from, Model to Model or Camera to Camera. Normal digital camera, senses an electronic image which is not real and is tweaked by the Camera Firmware Programming to covert the acquired image into respective resolutions. Such an image can be altered/adjusted with predefined effects like Auto Contrast, Brightness, etc. In a digital camera, 26x optical zoom means longest focal length is 26 times the shortest. For DSLRs having such a construction would be really expensive, like in lacs. That’s why DSLRs are affordable with 18~55mm, 70~200mm Lenses wihch have low 3x optical zoom. Conclusion: Being logically expensive, certainly not a demerit.
  4. We’ve covered small detail about Shutter Speed, but we’ll soon cover this topic in detail, kindly subscribe to your updates.
  5. Image Stabilization in Normal Digital Camera is a part of Camera Firmware Programming, whereas in DSLRs it’s a part of Lens and not the Camera construction. Conclusion: You can’t compare the category of Point and Shoot Cameras with the category of DSLRs, as image stabilization being an independent feature which can be enhanced at its level best.
  6. In your budget, you’d get Canon 1200D or Nikon D5200 with 18~55mm kit lens (3x Optical Zoom). 🙂 All the Best!


Harshit October 28, 2014 at 1:32 am

Thank you sir for your valuable Answers. I wanted to ask you that whose “Camera Lens” is better?
Canon EOS 1200D with 18-55mm Lens or Nikon D3200 with 18-55mm Lens, because I have seen that the cost difference between both of them is of around Rs. 3,000…

  • Canon EOS 1200D = 21 k
  • Nikon D3200 = 24 k

Please guide me.


Aky Joe October 28, 2014 at 4:30 am

If they both are having same 18~55 mm lens, then there’s no difference and Nikon D3200 is better camera than Canon 1200D, in terms of Image Sensor, AF Points, Megapixel etc.


Harshit November 9, 2014 at 6:41 pm


1) What is the Difference between “EXPEED II” Image Processor and “EXPEED III” Image Processor. And what role do they play in a DSLR camera?

2) And What is the difference between “DX Format CMOS Image Sensor” and “CMOS Image Sensor”. What is the Role of “DX” ?

Anu C Sukumaran October 21, 2014 at 9:56 pm

Im planning to buy a normal DSLR camera..
I want to use it for family function photos, tour trips, etc.
Im not a professional photographer and im new to DSLR world.
Could you please suggest a good canon / Nikon DSLR for this purpose..

Thanks & Regards


Anu C Sukumaran October 24, 2014 at 7:48 pm

Sir ,
I have shortlisted Nikon D3200/D3100 in my list .
Could you please suggest any one of the above or others which will suit below 25k.
Thanks n Regards


Aky Joe October 27, 2014 at 2:42 am

I think you’d go for Nikon D3200 DSLR, as it comes with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR II Lens. It’s second generation lens which costs around 8k, where with D3200 it costs 3k + the price for D3100.


Anjali Tripathi October 27, 2014 at 5:03 pm

Sir, I want to buy a camera for family functions and other trips. But at the same time, I’m intrsted in making some realistic and professional photographs. Because I’m very much fascinated towards professional photography. Secondaly I want a camera which can record as wel;. Please reply me as soon as possible, because I’m totaly confused and Google is not givng me proper answers. Thirdly, among Sony , Canon, and Nikon which brand is the best to go for. Fourthly my budget is 35-40 k.


Aky Joe October 28, 2014 at 12:35 am

For professional Photography you’ll require a DSLR camera or may be a high end Digital Camera. If you go for:

  1. DSLR: Canon 600D + 55~250mm Zoom Lens / Nikon D3200
  2. Digital Camera: Sony Nex5r + Zoom Lens

All these cameras have Video recording and other features to click family functions or trips. All the best!


Atul November 7, 2014 at 8:17 pm

Hi Aky,

I am planning to buy a good camera for long term, I like video capturing along with photographs. I found four good cameras, would you please suggest which one is better?

  1. Sony Black 20.1MP Alpha a3000 Interchangeable Lens Camera, Includes 18-55mm Lens
  2. Nikon D3200 Digital SLR Camera with 24.2 Megapixels and 18-55mm VR Lens Included
  3. Sony DSC-HX300/B Black Digital Camera with 20.4 Megapixels and 50x Optical Zoom
  4. Nikon D3300 24.2 MP DSLR with 18-55mm VR II Lens


Aky Joe November 7, 2014 at 11:26 pm

Sony is good with superficial features in SLR market, is good for Digital Cameras. Sony A3000 doesn’t come with External Mic Jack so it would be a problem while recording a distant subject.
If you can afford Nikon D3300 with 18~55mm VR – Second Generation, then it’s the best in your list of cameras.

Whereas Sony DSC-HX300 is a Digital Camera which is not recommended for long term, because you can’t extend its abilities. All the Best!


Atul November 18, 2014 at 3:56 am

Thanks Aky for your suggestion. I brought D3300 with 18~55mm VR – Second Generation and I liked the quality. I just wanted to check one more thing, do i really need to purchase 55-200 lenses ? in reality where does it matters to have those lenses ?

Thanks again for your valuable suggestions.



Aky Joe November 18, 2014 at 5:34 pm

Congratulations for the new camera and I’m glad you liked it. To your question about 55~200 mm lens, it’s required for capturing far distant subjects. Some photographers also use this lens to blur the background, so that the subject pops-out from a distance.


Jayshree November 13, 2014 at 10:21 am

If i have to take images of small objects , say cashew , for computer vision research purpose which camera (digital or DSLR) should be used. I would like to capture all the features of the object like length,width,texture , color etc.


Aky Joe November 22, 2014 at 2:33 am

For clicking small objects or subjects with details, you’ll require a camera with large Aperture value Lens. For DSLRs, Macro Lens are purposely used for detailed photography of insects, flowers, jewelry etc.


Dhruv November 18, 2014 at 9:24 pm

I am a car lover living in Pune and love to take photos of supercars and keep sharing them on social media. Currently I am using my Nokia Lumia 525’s camera to take pics, I really love the camera but it limits me sometimes. I am looking for a normal camera within a budget of 10,00o INR and want it to be compact so that I can take it anywhere (As in Pune you have plenty of supercars and I’d hate the fact that while the Porsche was zipping past me I was nothing but a silent spectator!) And it should have a appropriate zoom for the purpose.


Kamlesh November 20, 2014 at 7:56 am

Dear Aky,

Nice to read detailed information on photography.

I am armature photographer and I click photos whenever I visit new places. As a hobby I maintain a blog
unique-natural-scenes.blogspot.in At present I have a Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera. I want to buy new camera and planning to purchase Sony Cybershot HX400V 20.4MP. Please suggest on this or any other camera in 20k – 30k range by which I can maintain my hobby.



Aky Joe November 22, 2014 at 2:55 am

It’s a pleasure to know about your hobby and the blog is cool as well. For camera selection, Sony Cybershot HX400V should be a wise upgrade, a worthy investment and its built-in GPS feature will automatically record location for all pictures while traveling. I also recommend Sony Nex5r + Zoom Lens, being an extensible camera, but only if it suits your budget. Best!


Djay November 23, 2014 at 3:42 am

Hi Aky, I am a doctor ( surgeon ) and also a nature lover and like nature photography. Which DSLR camera you think would be the best choice for nature photography as well as taking photographs and video recordings of surgical procedures?


NVS November 26, 2014 at 2:12 pm

I want to purchase Canon EOS 1200D Kit (EF S18-55 IS II + 55-250… to take photographs of family Functions and wildlife. Is there any better option for me insteade of this?.


muhammad December 6, 2014 at 8:48 pm

what is the difference between DSLR and Semi DSLR


Phani December 10, 2014 at 8:02 pm

Hi I’m planning to buy nikon p600 . How is it compared to canon 1100d!! I’m a beginner in photography. I have used canon 1100d not willing to change. Kindly suggest.


Ankush December 11, 2014 at 4:19 pm

Hi i wanna buy a camera for clicking moments of my 1 year old daughter
i am very much confused between
point short high zoom camera or dslr

Nikon P600 which is for 19000 at amazon

Sony HX400v which is for 20000

Canon 1200D with 18-55 & 55-250 lens for 24000

Nikon D3100 with 18-55 for 24000

Nikon D5200 with 18-55 for 33000

which do u this is best for me and value for money


Rupesh December 24, 2014 at 3:31 pm

Hello, I want to buy a camera for video recording and uploading on Youtube channel. Do I need to buy a DSLR camera or normal camera is okay?


Jassim December 27, 2014 at 9:30 pm

Brother, this article was very helpful. Thanks. I want to shoot my own photographs for Facebook & modeling type things, So can you suggest me the best camera and also a Dslr. Price is not that much of a issue!! 🙂 Waiting for your humble reply 🙂 #JB


Abhay January 3, 2015 at 5:32 am

I want to buy a camera for family outings, hangouts with friends, college trips, etc. purposes. But I do need high quality images. Will Nikon Coolpix L830 semi SLR camera solve my needs? Or should I go for some other one.
Please help!!


Sachin January 6, 2015 at 11:47 am

I am very excited after seeing this website. One stop answer for all doubts regarding camera. Thanks for that. My question and biggest doubt is, which camera is better among Sony DSC300 and Nikon L830. I am really confused. Both comes around 15k. But don’t know which is good. I love Sony brand. But I don’t have idea regarding their cameras. Please suggest me which one shall I go for.


Zahir January 9, 2015 at 6:51 pm


I am going to buy a camera after getting your suggestion of my two concerns.
1.I have a son of three years.When i want to take a photo by my mobile camera i never get a real or good photo because he always moves.
2.I want to take photo of nature while i am sitting on a running bus or train or motorcycle.

What should i buy.
Please inform me as soon as possible with model marked Brand.



Gaurav M. Bhavsar February 16, 2015 at 12:01 pm

Hello Sir,
Thanks for the useful information provided. It’s really helpful for new comers like me.

Photography is my hobby. Always was willing to buy a good camera. But got the chance now.
Can you please suggest me a good camera @ 20-22k.
I am confused between Nikon P600, Sony Hx400V & Nikon D5100.

Can you please help me to choose better.

Use will be during travelling & visiting places, outings with family, sometimes nature landscapes photography & random photography.


Gaurav M. Bhavsar February 16, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Hello Sir,
Thanks for the useful information provided. It’s really helpful for new comers like me.

Photography is my hobby. Always was willing to buy a good camera. But got the chance now.
Can you please suggest me a good camera @ 20-22k.
I am confused between Nikon P600, Sony Hx400V & Nikon D5100.

Can you please help me to choose better.

Use will be during travelling & visiting places, outings with family, sometimes nature landscapes photography & random photography.


Roxan February 18, 2015 at 8:31 am

Hello sir..
You are so impressive to know a lot of things about cameras.. well, i am about to buy a sony dsc hx400v because its features really impresses me but i have read that its not a dslr camera rather its only a digital camera with a dslr body built only… should i still go for it… my purpose is to have better quality images for picture taking because usually compact cameras sometimes failed to impress me… thank you soo much


Shruti Choudhary March 7, 2015 at 7:25 pm

hiii .could you plz tell me some suggestions for filming youtube videos ….like which camera should i prefer …. one that needs to be economical….


Hera Riyaz April 9, 2015 at 5:22 pm

Hi, I want to buy dslr for my photography as hobby purpose and nature determining which is economic.


Sherry April 22, 2015 at 12:05 pm

Hey. I wanted to buy a dslr for photographing an upcoming wedding ceremony of my close relative. As i am good at photography. Please guide me which camera should I buy? Because I already have a phone with 13mp camera. And you must have heard about the lg g2’s digital camera result. My range is 30 to 50k.


Arman Alvi April 22, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Is Nikon coolpix L310 a good one for the beginners in photography?
And will it be good to use it well before shifting to the DSLR series of Canon models.
Thank you.


Nadeem April 23, 2015 at 11:28 am

Sir I brought a Nikon COOLPIX L330. Please tell me, is it a dslr or digital?


Rithesh April 25, 2015 at 2:46 pm

I’m having a Nikon coolpix L100 is it a semi SLR or its just a digital camera????

Can I just go with these for 2-4 years or buy a DSLR. if possible at least give a good one on my camera, I can’t afford money since I’m a adolescent, I’m 14.


Chetan April 25, 2015 at 6:31 pm


Canon is advertising its camera EOS 700D with double zoom kit 18-55 and 55-250mm @ 45K. Is it a good buy? With this lens will I be able to take long shorts?



Adil Misgar May 2, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Sir, i have bought canon 1200d few days back…but frankly saying i have never used such camera before..only i do photography by fone…i am now really confused seeing its so many features and all that….kindly tell how to start…do i need anyone to teach me this first.


Rishubh Kumar May 5, 2015 at 3:28 pm

I want to buy a camera to capture the beautiful and sweet moments of my family and sceneries . So suggest me the best camera for this purpose under 16k..


Sona May 5, 2015 at 4:10 pm

Hey my budget is 28-30k. I’m confused between Nikon P600 and Canon 1200d with lenses which would be better.


Neeraj May 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm

What about buying a DSLT, does a Sony A57 DSLT produce better quality image when compared with a DSLR of same range?


kusum sharma June 1, 2015 at 3:42 am

Hey could you tell me between Sony A6000 and Cannon Rebel T5i/700D which one is better.


Anand chandra Rout July 3, 2015 at 8:29 pm

Hello Sir, I am Anand. Recently I have purchased a Sony Cybershot 810 digital camera with 20.0mp camera. But in this camera, I am unable to adjust, take snap in different light. Actually I have a cybercafe so I want to start a small shop for passport photo. Which camera gives me professional photo print, please suggest me?


riya July 20, 2015 at 4:26 pm




riya July 20, 2015 at 4:39 pm



Selva January 16, 2016 at 5:13 pm

Go for Nikon if you want best Image quality
For video Canon.


Shams August 3, 2015 at 12:38 am

Hello sir,
I would like you to guide me on the best cameras to be used for a TV station. I need something reasonable and high quality. Thanks.


Sam August 8, 2015 at 5:22 am

Hey Bro, I want to buy a camera for capturing family photos and also photos during picnics and outings on adventure with friends and i want to buy an DSLR as i’m inspired for DSLR after reading your article. Bro, plz suggest me an DSLR Camera at a budget of Rs 20,000- Rs 25,000 (if there is any).


Pratik Gandhi August 14, 2015 at 5:07 pm

I’m looking forward to buy a DSLR camera, budget is 35,000 suggest me the best


Vamsikrishna August 20, 2015 at 8:49 am

One of my friends suggested that Sony is good for beginners as it is a dslt camera and has handy features to go ahead. How long its true??


kbhaskar September 20, 2015 at 10:43 pm

I want to buy a camera i preferred sony 3500jy, how is it


Sandy September 25, 2015 at 5:38 pm



shrey sonigara November 29, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Need suggestion
Confused between dslr camera & digital camera main purpose of buying camera to take pic while roaming which 4 to 5 times for 5 to 6 day in a year.PLEASE NEED UR SUGESSTION……….


Ankeshwar Tripathi December 26, 2015 at 9:15 am

Hlo sir, I’m in 12th and I want to choose photography as a career after 12th suggest me the best field of photography which I can choose nowadays well I’ve chosen the icat design and media Bengaluru for bsc in photography is it good or not?


Suman January 11, 2016 at 11:11 am


Can you please suggest good quality camera between the price range of Rs.10000 – 12000 with high end features purpose is to easy capture of photos and videos and upload in websites and social media.


joban January 20, 2016 at 2:07 pm

my concern is to upload photos on fb and instagram… can anyone please suggest me a camera or dslr under rs.20000…


Reena N Devington January 21, 2016 at 5:33 pm

I have a family function coming up in a couple of days. I would like to have a album. I already have a canon digital camera. Would that be enough or DSLR is best. Which DSLR is best under rs 10000


Mr Kirtu Riba January 24, 2016 at 5:41 pm

Hi Aky,
Your suggestions are very useful to digicam users . Can you suggest me a Canon point & shoot Camera for birds and small animals within the budget of Rs. 30- 35k ? I am not in favor of heavy DSLR.


Maria February 12, 2016 at 4:20 pm

Hi lovelies!
Im doing a project on photography in school, so if any of you have tips on photography, cameras, lighting, scenery, etc, please, please, PLEASEEE let me know!

Have a great day


vishal February 13, 2016 at 8:39 am

which is better buy
Nikon L340 vs Cannon sx410 also verify
me too


Arpan February 13, 2016 at 10:38 am

I am an architecture student.. I need a camera for our educational tour I want to buy a camera for capturing designs.. Buildings… family photos and also photos during picnics and outings on adventure with friends and i want to buy an DSLR.. Which is right 1 for me to buy?


snehangshu February 22, 2016 at 5:06 pm

I often travel in the mountains,This time I am going to Himachal( Sangla,Kalpa,Chitkul).Iam quiet confused which camera nikon d3200 or canon 1100 to buy. Which camera will give better picture in the mountais covered with snow. Please suggest.


Sadiya February 23, 2016 at 7:43 pm

I want to buy a DSLR
Which one u suggest nikon or canon ?


Rajan February 24, 2016 at 11:38 pm

Dear, you are doing well.
Please guide me, which is good for product photography, How about D5300. This camera has wify and gps builtin so it will be a fun for general purpose also. But I product photography is my first preference. Also need to know about lenses.


ayush March 8, 2016 at 1:35 pm


please suggest me a dslr below 30k I decided to buy canon 1200d with 55-250 mm lens should I go with my decision??


Shailesh kesarwani March 17, 2016 at 12:40 pm

I have a Canon IXUS 265 HS for now N what i do is take pics of nature N of friends for social media to upload.Can u please breifly tell me about how my current camera is and suggest me a DSLR for photoshoots with my friends for social media. Thnqq ??


Aastha Yadav April 1, 2016 at 9:30 pm

What is the best camera and lens for fashion and travel photography?


Kirtu Riba April 14, 2016 at 4:08 pm

Dear Sir,
I own a Nikon Digicam. I plan to buy a Canon camera for shooting wildlife esp. birds and animals.
The desired weight is under 800 grams and budget 35k. Could you suggest a suitable DSLR that meets my requirements?


Smart User April 22, 2016 at 9:47 am

Well, i really enjoyed your jokes :p Thanks for the article.


THIRU May 4, 2016 at 7:41 pm

I like to buy a camera for wild life photography….
please help me to find a perfect one. and suggest me which one is best, like Slr or Dslr or any other…


Kamalpreet Singh May 8, 2016 at 8:32 am


i jst want to dslr camera for outings and personal photography(jst for enjoyment ) which would be best for me.


Abhishek June 16, 2016 at 11:05 am

Looking for a camera that I can use while trekking. So I need one with good batteries and image quality. Also, I need something easy to carry. Hopefully rugged. Please suggest.


Nandakumar July 3, 2016 at 6:35 pm

Hi I am a frequent user of digital cameras, currently using Nikon P610, but want to upgarde to DLSR pls suggest a best model to buy- Am mostly interested in photography of nature, birds and animals


Ankit July 14, 2016 at 9:01 am

I am planning to buy a camera range 30-35k. Can you please suggest a camera??


Krishna Rajan September 7, 2016 at 7:19 pm

i want professional Camera, Please suggest which camera is best?


Pranav prasad September 17, 2016 at 11:45 am

Yea i am planning to buy a dslr sony alpha nex3 , it costs 23k my budget is 25k
Can u suggest any other best dslr’s , and i have to buy it tomorow itslef ,pls let me know by mailing today itself


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Amir October 6, 2016 at 12:05 pm

Which dslr i must buy betweem 20 to 30k
Which must have a best video quality to


Ashish Saklani February 28, 2017 at 7:03 pm

Still i am not clear how to identify a camera by looking it from outside if look and feel are same as dslr or rather checking google about model number just for my understanding



Marcelo Eavangelsita March 3, 2017 at 11:23 am

Hi, I have almost zero knowledge about cameras and nothing about photography, but because of unavoidable circumtances that seems recurring in relation with the day by day work, I need to buy one that is ideal. I do not want to waste money, so as most beginner will do, they will buy the entry level camera, but not in my case. I always bought an item or a gadget that will last a long time and that I have to enjoy and makes me satisfied for the money I spent for it. My understanding is that whether I am a beginner or a pro I always wanted a product that work will and will satisfied my needs not only in the maintime, but for the later time. As we all know, technology and digital age tends to revolutionized every industry in the whole world. This means that we have to be updated all the times about waht is new and this is the very reason why I am always looking the high end of it’s own though it’s not ideal in the maintime, but soon to be the ideal equipment for me.

I just want to ask a strightforward answer from among you guys who have a long experience with digital camera:
Not mentioning the price, regardless of applications and know-how, which camera between a fujifilm x-t20 and fujifilm x-pro2 would you suggest?
I will very must appreciate all the reply and personal opinion from all of you.
Thank you.


Aky Joe November 16, 2017 at 4:08 pm

Glad to hear about you. The ideal camera from the options you specified, would be FujiFilm X-Pro2. Why:

  1. It has Optical and Electronic ViewFinder to click precise scenes.
  2. LCD Resolution is fixed and better resolution, so you can instantly zoom in the LCD to detect distortion & noise in the image.
  3. It’s weather proof and has faster shutter speeds. Clicking outdoors like wildlife scenes be handy.
  4. Flash Sync option is there, just in case you wanna step into professional photography

Generally speaking, each camera is built with a unique specification, depending upon the application. The camera options you have specified are fair enough to step into photography and instantly connect with digital age. All the best!


Snigdha November 13, 2017 at 7:16 pm

I am planning to buy a DSLR under the range 50K. My purpose is to do photography for the professional high temperature experiment. In this case my background will be radiating with yellow/red light. In front of that there will be a liquid which is also radiating different color of light at high temperature. So I want my camera to work good at low ISO.
Can you suggest me something suitable for this?


Aky Joe November 16, 2017 at 4:25 pm

Wow, are you shooting Volcanoes?

Just for your information any DSLR camera would do, but you will have to get a neutral density gradient filter. Telephoto Lens would be required, unless you and your camera wears high temperature protection suits. Canon 750D is good at Low ISO Shooting, Wireless, Touch Screen & 19 Focus Points. In a different brand and better features Nikon D5600, could do wonders for you.

Make sure to use protective filters over camera lens and put heat resistant cloth, (cut & paste Velcro as per the desired shape) before taking camera near to high temperature.

All the best!


Onkar Ingawale December 26, 2017 at 1:51 pm


Differentiation was really helpful…

My mate suggested Canon 1300D (with 18-55 and 55-250 mm IS II Lens) for beginners photography, any suggestions about it?


pragathi March 3, 2018 at 8:40 pm

hello sir,


Anjani July 16, 2018 at 9:40 am

I have canon power shot 500x and I shoot regular picture with it.
Just wanted to understand from you if the same camera can be used to shoot the interior decor works and is there any additional lens required and available compatible with the cam.


shubhi August 13, 2020 at 12:52 pm

Please suggest budget DSLR / macro lens for Jewellery Photography.


Hug the retard August 25, 2020 at 7:36 am

First I’m going to assume this blog is dead seeing as how you haven’t replied to any recent questions, and your last reply was on the 16th of November of 2017.. But I thought it might be worth a shot, a long shot at that..lol… But do all SLR cameras have interchangeable lenses, or do some SLR cameras have a fixed lense?


Aky Joe April 11, 2024 at 5:59 pm

I do apologise for the late response. Things have really changed ever since 2017. Anyway, to your question, the answer is yes. Most of the SLR/DSLR cameras are manufactured to solve multi-purpose photographic requirements. Fixed lenses by the name, cannot be Zoomed In or Out. Most of the fashion product photography uses this kind, so that subject keeps changing while the camera setup remains fixed.


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