Selecting Photography Subject: Anything which adheres your Interest

by Aky Joe

in Photography

Photography is an art of intellectual ideas and compositions, which only comes with interest of photographer. In my previous article we learned about getting familiar with camera by knowing its features, whereas in this article we will get familiar with YOU, yourself. Yes, I am talking about YOUr creative side which capture different moments and collect it in form of memories, or portfolio. In this article we will make you aware of Selecting Photography Subject: Anything which adheres your interest.

How to Choose Photography Subject ?

You don’t have to consult a professional photographer or become like one to select a Photography subject. You can do that by giving a thought, to things which interests you or simply make you happy. Altogether photography reflects your mood, for instance if you are happy, the photograph clicked will reflect your excitement in it. This is usually good for Portrait Photography covering events, parties, city touring and etcetera.


A:f/4.5, S:1/30, ISO:800

Does nature fascinates you ? If yes then believe me you will get a lot of opportunities to take photographs and certainly it will improve your skills, as nature is all around for you to practice.  😉 When I talk of nature you can take photograph of Sunrise, Sunsets, Moon, Birds, Animals, Rains, Clouds and so on. These are just the sub categories which comprise thousands more in them.


A:f/5.6, S: 1/15, ISO: 3200

Just Follow Your Interest

I hope you did manage to find your photography subject of interest by now, whereas if you haven’t then keep working, as someday you will. 😉 Choosing a subject is not enough, you should be determined to put efforts and take best shots. For instance, if you like to take picture of birds then you will have to be very patient, else your attitude appearance will scare them. It took me 3 hours to take the below one:


A: f/5.6, S: 1/4000, ISO: 1600

It has been always a challenge for the photographers when it comes to Wild Life Photography, as you can’t just ask Mr. Lion to “Say Cheese”, it might hunt you. LoL! But it is not impossible, as you just have to adapt into their environment and be kind to them.

To follow your interest, you will have:

  • Invest time & efforts – be patient & kind
  • Travel different places – don’t be lazy and roam around On your MARKS!
  • Pre-Planning of Subject – be prepared with your lens and tripod setup Get SET!
  • Quick reflexes- so you don’t miss any moment GO!

Did I miss anything ?

Hmmm! If you think I missed something good, it would be great that you can share it with us by posting a comment below.

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